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/hm/ - Handsome Men

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/hm/ is for sharing porn.

People posting new threads should post several images (6+) to get the thread started. Don't just post one image and expect other people to do the work of making a successful thread.

Hookup, camwhore, and 'rate me' threads should go on /soc/.
Advice threads should go on /adv/. (work-safe).
Discussion of LGBT topics should go on /lgbt/. (work-safe).
Requests for sources, or more images should go on /r/.

Do not post any 'rate me' or any other self shots here. If you want to post pictures of yourself, please use /soc/ - Cams & Meetups.

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To stop all the source threads deleting good content, a general source thread is required. /r/ doesn't do gay shit and mods ban/delete individual source threads.

How to obtain your source:
1) Post your picture or description
2) Post what you want (name, company, etc)
3) Post any information you have (where/when the picture is from, etc)
4) Wait for a mars/hm/allow to help you and then say thanks.

Together we can stop the 404ing of good porn.

Please use Yandex (highly recommended) or Google image search (fuck google image search though) before posting in this thread.

There is also a gay porn encyclopedia which can be found here:
It has a huge library of many different actors, studios, films and other information which you may find helpful.

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Who is this guy?
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I NEED to know the original vid of this.
Please I beg you
who is this guy
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Possibly altered picture but sauce anyway?

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Prev: >>2626133
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Are daddies on romeo retarded?

I liked some pics of a hot bear 60yo, we exchanged just a couple of basic messages (wow you are so hot, I like you etc) and then immediately after he is like
>"I want to talk to the phone right now"
I said I cannot right now, perhaps tomorrow?
and he was almost fuming, demanding that we talk right here right now!!
getting all passive-aggresive and shit
>-"oh ok, you don't like me, just say so."

I tried not to ditch him right there because of that shitty behavior, and I was agreeable as much as I can, (because he is hot)
told him in an apologetic friendly way,
>"nono! I'm so sorry, it's not that. I just really cannot talk right now, I am not alone in the room" etc. etc.

and still he was like
>"you are with your lover, right? I get it."

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he’s insecure
avoid at all costs unless you get off on powertripping
yeah anyone like that is a red flag avoid
super insecure or just a person used to getting what he wants when he wants it just bc of his looks, 1000000% avoid, dodge the bullet and not even respond anymore or say anything at all
post his pic

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find yourself a man who loves you like horny old bottom daddies love a younger top's cock

Men tied up, handcuffed etc
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and the "Dom" looks as absolutely bored as is humanly possible
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I don’t know, i find it kind of funny seeing a muscular guy tied up in a speedo like that
that is what im looking for for my self
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thx ;-) yes someone did

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Let's have a good old fashioned story time. Tell a story nonfictional or fictional involving male on male action but with sexy male picture to accompany it. I'll begin with this tale:

This is called THE GIFT OF GAB, enjoy

Brandon was a charming, good looking man. He could win anyone over with a wink and a smile, and had friends everywhere. Everybody loved him.

But his persuasiveness was unnatural, a result of his magical lineage. Power flowed through his veins, and in the magical world he came from, the power to compel others was highly valued and sought after. They called it the Gift, and Brandon had it in spades.

Others like Brandon used the Gift to manipulate from atop positions of power, often at odds with each other. The world was their chessboard, and they constantly called on Brandon to join them, hoping to tip the scales against each other amidst their never ending power struggles. But Brandon cared for none of that.

Instead, he used his power according to his own whims, and on his terms, and those terms were all about indulging his own personal fantasies. There wasn’t anything more fascinating, and more alluring to him, than a man and his feet. Fortunately for him, no man could resist his charms, no matter how straight they were, and none ever realized they were being manipulated. Though he used his power on a much smaller scale than his peers, he was undeniably just as dangerous.

Brandon strolled through Cherub Park, a park that rivaled Central Park in size and lush greenery. He spotted an incredibly fit man in a baseball cap walking alone, his hands in his jacket. His sneakers looked brand new, and his feet fairly large. It was a perfect combination for Brandon.

“Excuse me,” Brandon said, walking right up to his next target.
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fakest and gayest thread on this board
I've only cum from BJ's from guys, never from a woman.
>don't consider myself gay
>use my gf's dildo
>willingly accept bj from men
Totally not gay at all. Not in the slightest
more stories
Yeah I also want a straight man to have sex with

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that's ChaosMen; the guy getting blown is Augustus and the guy doing the blowing is Shiloh

eh, gayface. I can already hear his nelly voice
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Or, just because you're 100% homo doesn't mean you're a sissy
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Criminal Sucks Viper

For hairy older men. Can be fat, fit, etc
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All of these photos I posted are from a guy who used to go by "Hairy Pocket Rocket Alpha Daddy" he's effectively disappeared from what I know. But if anyone has pics/vids of him somehow I'll jerk off to them lol.

We don't need 457 pics of the same guy who is not even that hairy or attractive, and would fit better under the "fat daddies" thread anyway.
never understoog what this guy was on, such a hot but very odd person. he's on gromrr iirc
>hairy or bear or daddy thread
>they're always populated by heart attack having obese troglodytes
don't ANY of you faggots have standards? holy fuck. it is possible to be a hairy and a bear that doesnt consume his weight in food
cry louder nigger lover, thx for bumping

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Fuck amazing thick bush
Cause he's hot af and I wana see more!
fucking amazing
i am in love with that bush
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do tops like thick bushes like these on their bottoms?
truth is, i find my bush very erotic, but if it is too weird i wouldnt mind trimming it at least
definitely wont shave though, that would make it so itchy and painful lol
i want a top who has a thick bush that i could bury my nose into and take a whiff of his manly musk
i wonder if tops also like to do the same

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So I have a bit of a kink for guys wearing crosses. There's something so hot about a good "Christian" boy peddling his flesh on the internet. Post guys with religious iconography.
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Jesus is staring.
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Post 'em if you got 'em.
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Man, I'd be swallowing all that cum. Wouldn't let a drop hit the floor.
More plz
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Come on, post them!
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Post gifs.
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horrendous tats
Nope, they are hot as fuck. You are entitled to your bad taste, however! Someone's gotta have it.
defending shit tattoos because you're single
Fuck! Rolling for dubs

666 lol try it

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An acquired taste
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